Tempted by the idea of exploring new places? Tempted by potential job opportunities? Tempted by eating delicious food and drinking great coffee in a cozy space that’s just steps from the subway? Here are some tips on how to do it successfully:
Plan your day the night before
Traveling is a very common theme in our lives. We’re always on the road, we’re often on the move, and we end up staying in places that are very similar in spirit to where we’re going. Here are some tips to help you avoid being too exhausted or too worn-out from thefternoon.
Make a to-do list
Travel is an amazing opportunity to look at yourself in the mirror and see how you’re doing. So, make a list of things you want to do that day. Where do you want to be, what do you want to do for a living, and what are your passions? What are some of the things you’re interested in that you haven’t thought about yet?
Take a day off work
Do you ever find yourself saying “why not” to work situations? It’s true: We all have. But, until recently, it had been a choice between staying at home with our kids or moving to a job. Now, it’s a choice between working and our kids and moving to a new city. As a working parent, you’re probably going to feel overwhelmed and overworked. So, take a day off work and take some time for yourself. Think about what you’re interested in, what’s necessary to do, and what you have time for.
Ditch the couch and go for a walk
Is there any couch left in your house? It’s not a command or a request, but a fact. For many people, the couch is a necessary evil. For others, it’s a luxury. And for still others, it’s a sacrifice. So, why not take a walk instead? Taking a walk allows you to clear your mind, unplug from the day, and clear your heart. It’s also a great way to relax and unwind.
Don’t be afraid to ask for directions
directions are a great way to unplug from the day and feel welcomed and included. Sometimes, you have to be verbal, other times you have to be written instructions. In general, don’t be afraid to ask for directions because it’s a really easy way to learn. Having directions in your smartphone makes traveling a challenge because you can always look up information online. So plan out your route with the directions in your phone in mind so you’re not running off in directions that don’t exist.
Go for intense brunches and light dinners
We’re all guilty of this: We over Think. We forget that we need our coffee break from time to time because we’re just so focused on our social media or we’re just so full from our day off work that we don’t even realize we’ve even been in the house. But the truth is, we need to Plenty of coffee break for our body and our mind. Try to find some time for yourself so you don’t over Think. But, if you have to work or have a family, you can always crash at home or take a hotel. You don’t have to love all the rituals or the traditions (okay, I do), but the simple act of going to bed and waking up to a delicious breakfast offers enough stimulation to keep you going for the day.
Wrap up the night before with one of our favorite drink options
Staying in, as we do, is a great way to unplug. You can unwind by chilling at the homes of your favorite people. Or you can stay in and enjoy your favorite show. Wherever you choose to relax, our favorite drink options are waiting for you.
Travel is an amazing opportunity to come together as a team and experience the world. You can meet new people and get to know your environment better. You can see things that you probably haven’t seen before. The beauty of traveling is that you get to experience a new culture, language, and heritage all while uniting the world through shared stories.