T-bone automobile accidents are also called side-impact collisions. They are the type of accidents that most often lead to the death of the people involved in them. They cause severe damage, including physical injuries, brain trauma, other health issues, as well as loss of finances. If you are injured in a T-bone accident, seek immediate medical help and consult an Ontario truck accident attorney.
T-bone accidents are rare in nature. The victims of such incidents are merely protected by the colliding vehicle. There is generally a window or door in between. Windows often get shattered and hurt the victims with shards of glass. Doors and windows do not provide sufficient safety to the passengers if a t-bone car accident takes place.
Generally, the colliding driver is considered liable for causing the accident. However, this is not always true, as sometimes the driver that got hit may act out of negligence and cause the accident. Sometimes, a third person may be responsible for the collision.
These kinds of collisions take place when one driver fails to provide enough space for another driver to move. The driver who did not give the right of way will be deemed liable for causing the accident.
If the other driver had the right of way and still collided with a vehicle , the other driver will be held responsible for the collision.
How is fault determined in a T-Bone accident?
In order to prove fault or liability, these factors play a vital role in the process.
It is essential to preserve evidence in order to prove the accident. Pictures and videos of the accident , CCTV footage, etc., can really help in displaying the events of the accident. Make sure to click enough photographs of the accident as well as the damage done to your car.
A police report
A police report entails all the necessary details regarding the accident. It helps to establish the chronology of events that took place. It acts as a definitive source of proof.
Testimonies by witnesses help in strengthening your case. The witness can give specific details regarding the accident, which may or may not have been recorded.
Medical bills
Bills and prescriptions from a doctor or other medical professional help in proving the injuries caused by the accident. They display the extent of harm and the expenses incurred on the treatment and diagnosis. This can help in gaining compensation.
Along with that, make sure to hire a lawyer. They help in proving your innocence in court and showcase the harm done by the other party. The attorneys are well trained in protecting your interests and getting you the deserved amount of compensation.