In early February 2022, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that Australia would fully reopen its borders to vaccinated tourists from 21 February 2022. This announcement marks the end of one of the world’s strictest and longest-running pandemic travel restrictions and hopefully the beginning of better things for the economy.
Ever since COVID-19 led to border closures throughout the country, the tourism and migration sectors became one of the most affected areas contributing to the country’s economic downfall. Nevertheless, tourism in Australia continues of growth for the Australian economy, generating $61 billion in revenue as of 2019. Opening its borders again would offer a significant boost to the local economy that has been badly hit by stop-start COVID-19 lockdowns. However, this change only applies to those who are fully vaccinated.
Travelling to Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic: What do you need to know?
Up until now, all unvaccinated Australians and permanent residents are required come into Australia.
From 21 February 2022, all visa holders who are fully vaccinated for international travel purposes can travel to Australia without a travel exception. Unvaccinated visa holders will still need to be in an exempt category or hold an individual travel exemption to enter Australia.
Strict border laws in Australia mean that unvaccinated individuals must provide valid indication of an immunity from being immunised. This condition, follows the guidelines below:
Permanent contraindication:
- You suffer from a severe allergic suitable COVID-19 vaccine was available.
Temporary contraindication:
- For an mRNA COVID-19 preparation, you suffer from inflammatory heart illnesses within the past three months. These include heart-related disorders like myocarditis, pericarditis, acute aching fever or acute inflexible or acute decompensated heart failure.
- For all COVID-19 vaccines:
- Acute major health condition (e.g. you require life-saving surgery or hospital admission for a chronic illness).
- You have been previously treated with anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibody or improving plasma remedy in the last 90 days.
- Any severe adverse incident linked, with no other reason identified, and without any acceptable vaccine substitute available.
- The vaccine can endanger the health of you or others during the immunisation progression and may warrant a temporary inoculation exemption. This may include mental health issues or other similar related illnesses.
However, conditions that do not meet the standards of a contraindication for travelling to Australia also include those who suffer from acute symptoms following COVID-19 (“Post COVID”), those who are pregnant, or those who have previously contracted COVID-19 (confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection).
Additionally, if you’re thinking of crossing over to Victoria, there is legislative movement towards triple-vaccination. The vaccine must be Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved or recognised vaccines for the purpose of travel.
Assistance for border-related issues is available
Since the COVID-19 travel ban started in early March 2020, difficulty with migration and movement in and out of the country have been manifold. While the reopening of Australia’s borders is a welcome decision for most citizens, you may still face border-related issues as it still comes with its own set of restrictions.
If you or your loved ones are facing a similar situation to the ones highlighted above, consult with Australian migration lawyers to assist you. It is important to work with reputable and reliable lawyers as migration matters can be complex, time-consuming, and ever-changing. Therefore, look for the best lawyers in Melbourne to deal with your migration needs or resolve any related issues you may have.