The happiness of having a child can quickly go to vain if birth injury or birth trauma occurs. The phase of going through birth injuries could be challenging for the parents. Not only do they suffer from physical pain, but they also face the emotional trauma of dealing with the situation. Not to mention the financial hardships faced during the birth of a child by some families.
If you become a victim of birth injuries, you can hold the medical practitioner responsible by filing for a claim. In many cases, proving birth injury occured due to doctor’s negligence can be challenging. Therefore, a Portland personal injury attorney can assist you in exploring your legal options and make sure you do not bear the burden alone.
Here’s what you can do after being a victim of birth injuries.
Medical help
The child’s mother must get proper medical help full time. It might be prominent, but it is worth mentioning. In some cases, the child’s mother fails to get complete medical care, leading to more suffering. You must look after any health issues of the mother. Even minor health issues could lead to significant suffering. If possible, ensure full-time medical care for the child’s mother either in the hospital or home. Medical assistance would ensure the mother is healthy and has minimal physical pain.
Consulting law professionals
After being a victim of birth injuries, you might be able to apply for a claim against the medical authorities. The victim or their family might not be able to deal with legal proceedings alone. A attorney in Portland will help by assisting and guiding during the proceeding of the case. attorneys have experience in dealing with the court or insurance companies. They are aware of the tactics used by the opposite party to diminish the claim amount. It would be in the victim’s finest welfare to seek help from a skilled legal professional.
Dealing With the Situation
In many cases, the cause of the birth injury or birth trauma is the physician or the doctor responsible for the treatment and consultation. The first thing a victim should do is assess and analyze the situation. Remaining calm and not making any rash decisions would be optimal.
Some attorneys would advise the victim to stop communicating with the medical practitioner entirely until the situation is resolved or concluded. If staying in touch with the delivery doctor, the condition can go out of hand given the victim and their family has been dealing with emotional pain.